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${ data.available ? `` : "Sold out" }
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6 Products
${function(){ const product_total = data.total if(product_total <= 1){ return `${product_total} Product` } return `${product_total} Products` }()}
Custom Baby Sweaterbaby Name Sweater
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0-3 Months-#1 Creamy Yellow/
0-3 Months-#2 Light Khaki/
0-3 Months-#3 Khaki/
0-3 Months-#4 Ice Blue/
0-3 Months-#5 Black/
0-3 Months-#6 Army Green/
0-3 Months-#7 Green/
0-3 Months-#8 Light Green/
0-3 Months-#9 Red/
0-3 Months-#10 White/
0-3 Months-#11 Pink/
0-3 Months-#12 Purple/
0-3 Months-#13 Rose/
0-3 Months-#14 Mocha/
0-3 Months-#15 Brown/
Custom Name Baby Embroidered Sweater
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Cream-Sweater 0-6 Months/
Cream-Sweater 6-12 Months/
Cream-Sweater 12-18 Months/
Cream-Sweater 2 Age/
Cream-Sweater 3 Age/
Cream-Sweater 4 Age/
Cream-Blanket 27.5' x 40'/
Cream-Baby Beanie/
Cream-Pillow 12'x20' Only Cover/
Cream-Pillow 12'x20' With Insert/
Cream-0-6 Months All Set (Pillow with Insert)/
Cream-6-12 Months All Set (Pillow with Insert)/
Cream-12-18 Months All Set (Pillow with Insert)/
Cream-2 Age All Set (Pillow with Insert)/
Cream-3 Age All Set (Pillow with Insert)/
Personalized Double Sided Wearable Kids
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Brown-0-3 months/
Brown-3-6 months/
Brown-6-9 months/
Brown-9-12 months/
mustard-0-3 months/
mustard-3-6 months/
mustard-6-9 months/
mustard-9-12 months/
Custom Name Baby Sweaterpersonalized
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Red-0-3 months/
Red-3-6 months/
Red-6-9 months/
Red-9-12 months/
Red-12-18 months/
Red-18-24 months/
Purple-0-3 months/
Purple-3-6 months/
Purple-6-9 months/
Purple-9-12 months/
Purple-12-18 months/
Purple-18-24 months/
Personalized Baby Name Sweater Hand
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0-6 Months-No add-on/
0-6 Months-+1 add-on/
0-6 Months-+2 add-on/
0-6 Months-+3 add-on/
0-6 Months-+4 add-on/
0-6 Months-+5 add-on/
6-12 Months-No add-on/
6-12 Months-+1 add-on/
6-12 Months-+2 add-on/
6-12 Months-+3 add-on/
6-12 Months-+4 add-on/
6-12 Months-+5 add-on/
12-18 Months-No add-on/
12-18 Months-+1 add-on/
12-18 Months-+2 add-on/
Personalized Baby Sweater Featuring Hand
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0-6 Months-White/
0-6 Months-Black/
0-6 Months-Pink/
0-6 Months-Rose/
0-6 Months-Brown/
0-6 Months-Light Khaki/
0-6 Months-Creamy Yellow/
0-6 Months-Khaki/
0-6 Months-Ice Blue/
0-6 Months-Red/
0-6 Months-Light Green/
0-6 Months-Purple/
0-6 Months-Speckled White/
6-12 Months-White/
6-12 Months-Black/
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${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '', mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options = productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) { product_change_event = product_change_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectedValues.${opt.name});`; mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectData.${opt.name});`; mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event + `@${opt.name}Mouseover="quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event);"`; } const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; return `
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${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price = variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
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` : '
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${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '', mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options = productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) { product_change_event = product_change_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectedValues.${opt.name});`; mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectData.${opt.name});`; mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event + `@${opt.name}Mouseover="quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event);"`; } const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; return `
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${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price = variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
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